Hi all! I've decided to start a Rallycross cup for all AA members. I was going to explain shortly how it works. And hopefully when i've done so, many drivers will be driving it.
Here it goes.
I got the idea from a swedish motorsport called "Folkrace". Its rallycross with s*it cars that are used in sweden. I was planning to start a cup for all AA members, with races wich bases are taken from "Folkrace". Lets start from the begginning to the end. You first take all drivers, put their names on a piece of paper, and mix them together. Then you take one after one untill you have 6 car heats (races). Each driver drives 3 heats, one in the front lane, and one in the back, the last one is by lottery. When all the heats are done, you count the points. The points for following positions are:
1. 7pts
2. 5pts
3. 4pts
4. 3pts
5. 2pts
6. 1pt(s)
Retired. 0pts
Blackflag. 0pts
Lets make it easy, lets say we have 3 drivers on 20 points, and 2 drivers on 18 points. Those goes emediatly to the A-Final (main final). Only 5 cars? Why? Well, we have A, B, C and D finals, wich the winner progresses to the next one. So if you score bad in the heats, and gets into the D-Final, you can win D, C, B and also A. Hard to understand? Maeby now, but you will understand after the first race.
The one who has most points after the 3 races will also choose start position first in the final.
So, when the race is done, all A and B finalists get championship points, and we have one of theese races each month, so that will be 12 rounds.
I will be a judger myself at the event, and find a replacement when myself is driving, these are a few rules:
Dont turn other cars around, you will be blackflagged and gets 0 points. If you do turn someone around, and stop to let him pass, you could get away from the blackflag, if its not a mega-push.
There could be an accident, wich causes yellowflag in the area, and when you get yellowflag, you are not allowed to pass any car, because of the risk for another accident. From the meter you get yellowflag, and to the car who has stopped, its not allowed to pass. If someone else stops in the area you are free to pass him, but not moving cars.
If you falsestart, the heat will restart and if you do it again, you will be DQed.
THE CUP 2009
We will be doing 12 rounds this year before we can disclaim a world champion. The following rounds are:
Round 1: Februari 7th
Round 2: Februari 28th
Round 3: March 28th
Round 4: April 4th
Round 5: May 23rd
Round 6: June 27th
Round 7: July 11th (Moved to August 1st)
Round 8: August 8th
Round 9: September 19th
Round 10: October 10th
Round 11: November 28th
Round 12: December 18th-19th
All racers expects to be on the "[AA] All Around Rally" server 19:50 UTC as latest.
Only XFG and XRG are allowed.
You are allowed to bring ONE friend to each event.
Please contact me for mor information and questions.
Gelin swe (PM)
[email protected] (MSN and E-Mail)